Born Free
The crib's protective slats contrast sharply with the bars of the nearby birdcage because, however beautifully designed, a birdcage is intended to confine, to limit freedom. Here, the nest represents a loving home environment, while the birdcage — with its door glued open — references both the parental duties of providing roots and wings and resistance to the crib-to-prison cycle entrapping so many young Black males.
This nursery exudes opulence — the thick mattress on the crib covered in a luxurious fabric, shimmering pink wallpaper, a golden birdcage and a mauve, purple and pink wreath of semiprecious stones and pearls. The beige crib shelters a bird's nest overflowing with eggs.
The wreath hanging above the crib was designed with semiprecious stones (ametrine and quartz), freshwater pearls and Murano glass. Additional materials include dollhouse miniatures, acrylic paint, wood, wallpaper, and metal.
Custom framed with museum glass in a sophisticated deep wooden frame in collaboration with Chevy Chase Art Gallery, Washington, DC.
Price: USD 2,500.
Frame color: Black
Size (in inches): 9.75 x 16.5 x 4