The Artist's Intermission (The Music Room)
A visual representation of a temporary pause in the creative process.
Creating a work of art is rarely a straightforward process — an artist may change direction, take wrong turns and retreat, discard a work, never to resume it, or set it aside, only to return to it years later. The empty frame on the wall symbolizes the unfinished work. The music stand, pushed aside and back towards the corner of the room, the placement of the tuba and violin on the burgundy sofa and the trumpet on the gold pillow suggest that the instruments were recently played and may soon be picked up again.
A necklace segment I designed with semiprecious stones (amethyst and citrine) and freshwater pearls snakes around the gold column, completing the scene. Additional materials include fabric, dollhouse miniatures, resin and wood.
Custom framed with museum glass in a sophisticated deep wooden frame in collaboration with Chevy Chase Art Gallery, Washington, DC.
Frame color: Gold
Size (in inches): 10 x 14 x 4